Sobre el proyecto
Talent management has been recognized as one of the cornerstones of modern Europe which can lead to more skilled workforce and consequently to a more “competitive and dynamic knowledge- based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs… «as stated in the Lisbon strategy. Despite the importance of VET in providing skilled and quality workforce, many vocational schools and VET providers lack the capacity and competence to identify, retain and train talented students.
Where there is talent management in place it is mainly focused on the academic field or art schools, have a tendency to judge talents by cognitive tests and concentrate on picking up “general talents” – without the view on giving equal opportunities to disadvantaged groups, without building on multiple intelligence models, without a special focus to train mentors and teachers to identify hiding talents, and without a highlight on the vocational field. Teachers and mentors are not prepared to identify and endorse hiding talents and in most schools there is no strategy for dealing with gifted students.
With our project we aspire to contribute to change the above mindset, draw attention to the importance of talent recognition and management in VET, collect and systemize good practices, demonstrate and teach new approaches and practices in the field to teachers, trainers, mentors and leaders.
The participants who will take part in the project are teachers, trainers, mentors and staff of the above organizations, but a wider audience will be addressed via the research, the collection of good practices, visits and dissemination activities of the project.
The target groups which we want to address and to benefit from our project include: managers, teachers, trainers of vocational education and training institutions,leaders, managers and employees of organizations dealing with talent management and mentors.
Objetivos generales
Objetivos específicos

To explore the situation and main methodologies of talent identification and management in vocational education and to exchange good practices and ideas on talent management in general and specifically in VET.
To observe practices on mentor recruitment, selection, training, etc. with special focus on mentoring talented students

To facilitate creating a network in Europe around the liaison of talent management and vocational education and training
To gain an overview of talent management policies and practices in the partner countries
To make recommendations about talent identification and management in internship and practices with the outcome of developing a “seal of excellence in talent” part adjoining the Europass mobility certificate
To explore ways on supporting talents with disadvantaged background

Country reports on talent management policies, its legal and political background in general and in relation to VET. A comparative compilation of the reports with conclusions.

An exchange of good practices on talent management in VET.

A recommendation for an optional additional part complementing the Europass mobility certificate with a “seal of excellence in talent” part

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the view sonly of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.