PRESENTAMOS EL PROYECTO 'Intercambio de Buenas Prácticas sobre Gestión del Talento en la FP'

Learn more about the project 'Exchange of Good Practices on Talent Management in VET'
We have conducted Study Visits and have a set of Good Practices
Meet our partners from five European countries


During the months of the project, five meetings and study visits to the partner countries have taken place. Hungary, Romania, Spain, the Netherlands and Slovenia. In this timeline you can see the meetings in order and see some images by clicking on the image icons placed in each country.

Kick Off Meeting in Budapest, Hungary


Study Visit in Brașov, Romania

14 -18 March, 2022

Study Visit in Reus, Spain

2nd -6th May

Study Visit in Amsterdam, The Neederlands

30th May – 2nd June 

Final Meeting in Lendava, Slovenia​​

22th -23nd June 

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