Partenerii noștri

Colegiul Tehnic Energetic Remus Radulet Brasov


The Remus Raduleț Energy Technical College, founded in 1967 in Brașov, is an educational institution that operates from kindergarten to high school level, training students in the electrical field through theoretical lessons and high-tech laboratories. We also offer the possibility of practical training in some renowned Brașov companies. CTERR offers the possibility of assimilating new knowledge in three languages: Romanian, Hungarian, respectively German within eight specializations for high school, vocational school, masters or post-high school.

Kárpát Medencei Tehetségkutató Alapítvány


The purpose of the Kárpát Medencei Tehetségkutató Alapítvány is to find and support talented young people aged 14-30 living in the Carpathian Basin. 

Associació Programes Educatius Open Europe


The Association of Educational Services „OpenEurope” is a non-for -profit organisation with the main office in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) that aims to help young people and adults who work in youth related sectors participate in European programs.All projects and initiatives of our organisation aim to involve educators, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in carrying on projects and programs that seek a life-long learning process. Our programs are designed to develop the participants’ communication, leadership and occupational skills.

Stichting Wave Education

The Neederlands


Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava/Kétnyelvű Középiskola, Lendva

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